Link Builder List IDs Book Selection Auto-Mode Account News FAQ


This page covers some basics that will help you to give away your branded books. We strongly recommend that you take the time to set up the auto-posting system detailed below.

Email List IDs

One of the most powerful ways of using Auto Affiliate Program is as a tool to build targetted email lists. Please watch the following video for a full explanation of how you can do this.


Facebook Policy Update: Facebook have just announced an update to their platform which prevents third party applications, such as IFTTT from posting status updates. This means that the auto-posting system can no longer be used to post your books to your Facebook profile. However, you can still use this feature to post to other platforms.

The Auto-Posting system will post books to your social media platform for you, such as Twitter. These posts can only be set up to post to your personal account.

You can adjust how often the books are posted to your account. The system will post books for you every day, every other day or once every 3 days.

Before you begin following the steps, please watch this video...

How to set up Auto-Posting

  1. Go to and create or log in to your IFTTT account. (IFTTT is a free automation service)
  2. If this is a new IFTTT account you may need to click through their short tutorial, just click on any of the options. This will not affect your account set up at all.
  3. Once you are at the IFTTT dashboard click on your name in the top right and from the drop down menu select 'New Applet'.
  4. Click on the big blue 'this'.
  5. From the list of options, select FEED, it will have an image like the one below. (The options are all in alphabetical order)
  6. Click on New Feed Item.

  7. Depending on how often you'd like us to post books for you, copy and paste the address below into the box provided...

    Post frequency

    Address to copy

    Post every day
    Post every other day *
    Post once every 3 days *

    * Due to the way that the auto posting system works there many be times at the start of a new month when the system posts more frequently.

  8. Click Create Trigger.
  9. Click That.

If you are posting to Twitter

  1. You will need to be logged in to Twitter to authorize your account and give permission for IFTTT to post to your account.
  2. Choose Post a Tweet.
  3. Delete all of the default content from the box.
  4. Copy and paste the following into the box provided

    {{EntryTitle}} {{EntryUrl}}

  5. Click on create action.
  6. Click on Finish.

You can no longer use this system to post to Facebook, due to a recent change in their policy.

If you are posting to any other platform use the instructions for Twitter.

NOTE: Depending on the post frequency that you selected you may not see anything happening for up to 3 days.

Giving away your books manually

To share your books manually click on one of the share buttons on the linkbuilder page or copy and paste the squeeze page link from the linkbuilder page for the book you wish to promote.

We strongly recommend that you give books to a highly targeting market. The best way to do this is to find a collection of people that are interested in a specific subject (such as a group on Facebook) and then select a book from our database that they will enjoy.

How to Promote Your Books on Facebook

With just a few clicks you can very easily promote your branded ebooks to tens of thousands of people. Watch this video to discover how. (Please note - Since making this tutorial video we have updated the look of our website. So it will look a little different. To create your link to share please visit the linkbuilder page, then select a category.)

Do NOT Spam Facebook with Your Free Books!

If you have any questions please check the FAQ page or contact us.

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